Bus Transportation

ISPP offers a limited daily service at additional cost to pick students up in the morning and drop students off in the afternoon. Seats in buses/vans are limited and availability is not guaranteed to all students, particularly those who live outside established routes.


Families arriving throughout the year should complete and submit the registration form below at least five working days before service begins.

Preference is given to students who register for two-way service and to siblings.

Charges for 2024-25

Fees for enrolling in the bus service can be invoiced quarterly, semester or yearly, depending on zones determined by distance from the school. Zone A is within 5km from the school and Zone B is any other area. Zone A is measured from the northernmost tip of the school’s boundary which is just on the Chak Angre Leu/Tuol Roka district boundary.

The fee calculation reflects the number of days per term in the school year.

2024-25 Fees (USD)AnnualSemester 1Semester 2Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4
Zone A Both ways$1,564$754$892$386$368$442$451
Zone A One way$823$377$446$193$184$221$225
Zone B Both ways$1,905$918$1,087$471$448$538$549
Zone B One way$1,002$459$544$235$224$269$275

Enrolling in the bus service means that a seat on the bus will be reserved for your child regardless of whether or not they ride the bus on any particular day.

Charges are billed and payable by term, semester and year, in advance, based on school fee payment option chosen by parents. Charges are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the school.

If payment is not made by the due date, parents will be given notice and service will be withdrawn if payment is not made within ten days. Please note that receipts for overdue accounts will be allocated to fees before transportation charges.

Enrolling in the bus service means that a seat on the bus will be reserved for your child regardless of whether or not they ride the bus on any particular day. Hence, no refund will be given for individual days on which the service isn’t used by your child.

For those withdrawing during the year, refund may be made for unused weeks, subject to at least five working days notice, in writing to ISPP’s Transportation Officer, Ms Sengny Vorn at sengnyvorn@ispp.edu.kh.

Parents must notify the school if they no longer wish to use the service. Refunds will only be considered for dates following receipt of notification.

For those registering during the year, charges will be prorated for the days the service is used.

No refund will be given for individual days on which the service isn’t used.

Only registered students will be allowed to board the bus/van.

Pre-Early Years (PEY) to Grade 5 students must be met by a parent or designated person approved by parents. Any person, including parents, collecting the child must show the ISPP Parent ID or another school-issued ID (e.g. nanny) for this purpose. Parents can request an ID for a designated person by contacting the Elementary or Secondary Office. Students will be taken back to school if the proper person is not there for drop-off.

Students are not allowed to alight anywhere other than their home or school-designated drop-off point unless authorised by parents and by the school. Students are required to act in a safe and appropriate manner whilst on the bus and to follow the instructions of the bus monitor and driver at all times, for example, remaining seated, behaving respectfully, and refraining from eating or littering.

Students must be at the collection point promptly. Buses are only able to wait for no longer than two minutes at each stop in order to keep the schedule for all students and assure timely arrival at school.

Students who are sick prior to leaving home in the morning should remain home and should not take the bus to school.

If students become ill during the school day then they should attend the nurse’s office who will contact parents to arrange for them to be sent home. Such students are not to ride the bus home for their own comfort and to avoid the spread of illness to others.

If a student or parent fails to comply with the terms of use, the school reserves the right to withdraw this service.

All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that the vehicles are well-maintained and that drivers have appropriate training and experience, both for the school-operated and sub-contracted vehicles. The school will plan routes and follow schedules as efficiently as possible. All motor vehicles employed in transporting students shall be adequately covered by public liability insurance in such amount as the school’s Board of Trustees shall require.

Parents are responsible for properly informing the Elementary or Secondary School offices of emergency contact details. If the school or its employees or contractors are unable to contact the parents or alternative contact person, parents are required to authorise the school to take such action as necessary to safeguard the student, including arranging emergency medical treatment, the cost of which will be met by the parents.

Arrival and Departure

Buses/vans arrive at school from 7:15am and depart at 2.55pm.

Late Departure

Occasionally some students may have to delay their journey home as they are involved in ISPP-organised activities such as sports teams, ASP, homework club or drama rehearsals. If there is a sufficient demand then a late bus will operate.

Due to the demand for seats, and the priority given to those students who attend school-organised events, there is little space available for others. This is not an optional service for students who don’t want to take the regular bus but rather to meet the needs of students who are required to stay late at their coach’s/teacher’s request.

Any students who need to take the late bus are required to give as much advance notice as possible to the transportation department by email (sengnyvorn@ispp.edu.kh). If information is not received by 12:00pm on the day the service is required then we cannot confirm if there is a space available.

If you have any questions about the bus transportation service, please email the Transportation Officer, Ms Sengny Vorn at sengnyvorn@ispp.edu.kh.

Registration Form

ISPP – International School of Phnom Penh