Grade Level Placement

At ISPP, we recognise the importance of children being surrounded by peers of the same age. We consider their developmental stages and socialisation to be as important to their holistic education as academic results.

Admission to ISPP requires that students attain the minimum age requirements as stated below. Chronological age is calculated from the date of birth. See our Dates of Birth for Grade Entry chart to determine your child’s placement at ISPP.

It is strongly recommended that students be placed with peers of the same age. Students whose previous student records suggest they will benefit from being placed in a grade level one year below their appropriate age level may be offered a place in the lower grade level.

If an applicant has not completed a grade level due to the difference in school calendars (e.g. Australia), the principal will decide on the grade level placement of the student based on age, academic continuity, language proficiency, academic performance, maturity, and social skills. In the Secondary school, academic continuity is critical and students will be placed accordingly.

See our International Grade Level Placement chart here.

Elementary School

Early Years 1A student is 3 years old by September 1 of the academic year for which they are applying, and successfully meets other entrance criteria as listed on the enrolment forms.
Early Years 2A student is 4 years old by September 1 of the applying academic year, and successfully meets all other entrance criteria.
KindergartenA student is 5 years old by September 1 of the applying academic year, and successfully meets all other entrance criteria.
Grade 1A student is 6 years old by September 1 of the academic year for which they are applying, and successfully meet all other entrance criteria.
Grade 2-5Attain the respective chronological age by September 1 of the academic year for which they are applying, and successfully meet all other entrance criteria.

Pre-Early Years Programme

Occasionally, ISPP may be able to offer a space in our Pre-Early Years Programme. Spaces are very limited and are only available to children who turn three between 1 September and 31 December in the current academic year, for enrolment following their third birthday. Places are not offered to applicants who are affected by nationality limits or waiting lists. 

All students enrolled in Pre-Early Years will be enrolled again in Early Years 1 the following academic year. There are no exceptions to this requirement. 

Admittance for the Pre-Early Years Programme is subject to confirmation that the pupil can cope with their personal toilet needs, can eat their meals independently and has developed a level of maturity to benefit from the educational environment. In all cases, the decision for early entry to the Early Years 1 class resides with the Principal.

Secondary School

Successful completion of the previous grade (or its academic equivalent), generally correspond to the following minimum ages:
Age 11 – Grade 6
Age 12 – Grade 7
Age 13 – Grade 8
Age 14 – Grade 9
Age 15 – Grade 10
Age 16 – Grade 11
Age 17 – Grade 12


ISPP – International School of Phnom Penh