Community Use Policy

ISPP community members are welcome to visit the campus at specific times outside of school hours.

For this policy, an ISPP community member is defined as an ISPP student, parent or employee and includes their immediate family members only (husband, wife, child).

Adult community members must wear their ID passes at all times when on campus. 

All ISPP community members and visitors to the campus enter at their own risk. There are no adult supervisors or medical facilities provided outside of school hours.

General Information

General access hours:

  • There is no community access to the campus on Sundays, most school holidays and public holidays, unless by private booking (not currently available).
  • ISPP reserves the right to close the campus as required and without notice. 
  • There is no community access to school buildings, classrooms, theatre or administration offices, Butterfly Garden or Early Years balcony area.

Use of facilities

Details of ISPP’s Community Access Program are provided to parents via our school communication channels, including a link provided in our Weekly Announcements email. 

Swimming Pool Procedures and Operating Hours

The ISPP pool is open to the ISPP community during the times listed below. Please review ISPP’s Campus Access Guidelines for detailed information about visiting the pool.

Community & Initiatives

ISPP – International School of Phnom Penh