Celebrating Independence, Creativity and Collaboration

ISPP Secondary
A Reflection on ISPP’s Year

It’s always tough to try and capture a whole school year in one write-up or article as a principal. I don’t want to try and list all of the things that have taken place or pick out one over another as a special memory from the year; it’s simply too hard to hold one thing over another at ISPP. Instead of doing this, I want to try and highlight some of the special characteristics and student traits that have been highlights for me.

ISPP Secondary

ISPP Secondary

Independence – This is, for me, one of the most important and impactful aspects of an ISPP student and something that stands our students out against others. Throughout this year, I have seen so many examples of students demonstrating independence, either as a developing factor of their capacity or as a core strength. Students at ISPP are excellent at taking on projects for themselves, leading their learning and development or taking action in an arena that is important to them. I have so enjoyed watching students leading assemblies, presenting their learning and taking on key roles in the organisation of events or supporting events that are taking place at ISPP. The independence of our students is on show in almost every event and activity that takes place at the school but it is also a core factor in the learning that takes place in classrooms every day.

Creativity – I am astounded by the creativity of ISPP students on an almost daily basis and this is something that is expertly developed in our students by our teachers across the school. Creativity is obvious during certain activities throughout our school (most prominently in the arts), but we see examples of creativity throughout the school, from problem-solving in maths and science to a flash of brilliance in sports by a team or individual. It is so often something that is overlooked as a key characteristic of successful people, but that is certainly not the case at ISPP and our students have shown so much creative flair during this school year.

Collaboration – So often, the collaboration of our students occurs authentically and with very little effort or challenge. This only happens as a result of collaboration being at the forefront of the educational experiences that students enjoy every day. By developing these competencies each day during lessons, students can draw upon them naturally when working together in extracurricular experiences. We can easily take for granted how well our students collaborate but it is, once again, something that has impressed me so much as I reflect on the year. What is even rarer in schools, but common in ISPP, is the ease at which students from differing backgrounds, social groups and ages come together at different times during the year to produce fantastic results.

ISPP Secondary

ISPP Secondary

I have selected three factors above from a list that could go on for pages and pages of things that make ISPP students so special. These characteristics, competencies and skills do not always develop naturally and are certainly not present in all students in all schools. I think there are a few major points that help ISPP students to develop in the ways that they do and I would like to make a point to recognise the ISPP community for the major part that they play.

Role Models – In my opinion, role modelling from older students is one of the most influential factors in a young person’s development. Our senior students, once again, have been the most amazing role models for our community and I thank the class of 2023 for playing their part in the continued excellence of our school and wish them well as they take the spirit of ISPP around the world with them.

Teaching – The core business of ISPP is teaching and learning. We have excellence across our teaching faculty and the development of our students is a testament to the quality of teaching. Our teachers are committed, professional, caring and student centred; the perfect recipe for the development of fine young citizens. Thank you to all of the amazing teachers at ISPP for the work that they have done throughout the school year.

It takes a village – It may seem like a cliche to say this but the age-old adage of it taking a village to raise a child is as true today as it ever was. With this, I’d like to thank every member of our community for the part that they have played in ensuring that this school year has been a successful one in which our students have been able to thrive, flourish and enjoy every day at school.

ISPP Secondary

ISPP Secondary

Here’s to a successful 2023-24 school year!

Lee Hole
Secondary School Principal

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